Edgecam Product History

Listed below are the previous releases of Edgecam, to view what features where introduced in each of the releases click the buttons below.


The 2018 R2 Release contains 54 items of new or enhanced functionality which improve productivity for manufacturers using a range of cutting technologies and machining strategies.

Pre-Drill Approach Roughing Cycle

The way the ‘Pre-Drill’ approach strategy is handled, has been significantly improved within the Roughing cycle. Rather than manually create drill hole positions, which is sometimes time consuming, EDGECAM 2018 R2 automatically creates the hole position and keeps the drilling toolpath associative to the Roughing cycle.

Simply by activating the command, users can deploy the multi-level and depth functions within a hole cycle, to automatically locate the best entry position for the drill cycle.

Extended Lead Parameters Rough Turn Cycle

The Rough Turn cycle includes several new lead parameters allowing the user to roll in and out of each cut with a tangential arc. A bi-directional toolpath can be created, allowing the cycle to be used in conjunction with Sandvik’s CoroTurn® Prime turning inserts. Significant time savings and reduced tool wear can be achieved when adopting these methods.

Also, the cycle’s collision detection capability has been extended by automatically removing any potential crashes between the tool and the tailstock.

EDGECAM Inspection

EDGECAM Inspection module’s evolution continues with 14 enhancements, including full postprocessor support from with the Code Wizard.

Major items include the introduction of NC Gateway, which communicates with the machine tool, plus ‘Best Fit’ calculation, which allows alignment of the workpiece. As well as the new ‘Inspect Rectangle’ feature, both the ‘Options’ and ‘Inspect Toolpath’ dialogs include new features. Users may now influence both the Work Datum and the Tool Offset, and view the status from within the NC output and the Inspection Report.

Profiling Cycle performance and functionality improvements

Through improvements in the toolpath algorithm, EDGECAM 2018 R2 provides a significant performance improvement with the ‘Pick Solid Faces’ function. Time savings of over 50 per cent can be achieved thanks to the manner in which the cycle gathers data for toolpath calculation.

Users will also gain further benefits when using the Multi-Pass function as the strategy is now supported with helical capability.

EDGECAM Designer

EDGECAM Designer’s 2D Drawing Module creates views and sections of the 3D model in the Designer file. Features include dynamic view creation, shaded and wireframe views, fixed and variable sections, detailed views, and outbreaks. The 2D drawing and its associative dimensions can be updated when changes are made to the 3D model.

The many sketching and modelling enhancements throughout EDGECAM Designer include the Active Sketch Plane, which allows wireframe to be created directly onto solid and surface models, without the need for workplanes.

In addition, it is now possible to create the Projected Area of solid and surface models, and new analysis functionality calculates aspects such as area, volume, perimeter, and centre of gravity.

Feature Creation from Wireframe

EDGECAM 2018 R2 now unlocks the ability to deploy workflow strategies where ordinarily a feature couldn’t be created, by converting line and arc data into a solid Feature. Once machined the new feature can be edited and the toolpath will remain associative.

Thread Mill enhancements

Found in both the milling and turning environments, the Thread Mill cycle has been enhanced to allow closer toolpath control and greater flexibility. Five new parameters allow users to deploy ‘peck’ and ‘multi-pass’ toolpaths. This will especially help when machining hard materials or when a better surface finish is required.

Further new options found in the Lead tab, give additional control with toolpath ordering.

3D Milling Cycles available In Rotary Mode

3D milling cycles in the Mill/Turn environment have now become available whilst in working Rotary mode. Previously, these cycles were restricted to Planar mode. This enhancement offers greater flexibility in not only unlocking the seven milling cycles which were normally unavailable, but allows users to overcome machine tool limit issues”.

Machine Simulator multiple enhancements

When being forced to use the same tool number but for different tools, programmers in the turning environment can now use the ‘Replace Active Tool’ function, so the simulator will only display a single tool in the turret during playback. And users can now increase playback performance by using the new ‘simplify solid mill cutters’ command. When using complicated solid model cutters, the function will simplify the profile by converting it into a silhouette.

Multiple User Experience enhancements

A good example are the three enhancements found in the ‘Preferences’ section of EDGECAM 2018 R2. Users now have the choice to activate a toolkit by simply using the new ‘Automatically Create Toolkit’ check-box. They can also use the new ‘Job/Toolkit Update’ preferences settings when generating NC output. And the new ‘Technology warning’ check-box helps avoid mis-representing tools feed and speed settings.

Manufacturers working with turning tools can now pre-state the ‘CSS’ condition from the tool store. This avoids individually setting the status every time the tool is chosen.

In the case of Face Grooving tools, programmers can now add further details to the description of the tool by adding ‘Maximum/Minimum Diameter,’ which is particularly useful for Strategy Manager authors. Still with turning, EDGECAM 2018 R2 allows any tool type to be deployed when executing the Thread Turning cycle.


EDGECAM 2018 R2 introduces 28 new technology databases to the Wire EDM module, including the popular Agie, Fanuc, Makino and Mitsubishi controllers.

During the machine simulation stage, the ‘start hole’ (entry position for the wire) is created automatically – alleviating the need to manually create the hole in the stock.”


Major enhancements to the 2018 R1 release of EDGECAM, from Hexagon, include time saving updates to roughing cycles for milling, turning and MTM and the prevention of unnecessary CAM regeneration.

CAM Regeneration

When a user makes an edit to an existing command, EDGECAM 2018 R1 will not automatically regenerate the remaining instructions. When editing a tool command, there will now be no regeneration if the alteration does not affect the corresponding cycles with aspects such as coolant or high-speed.

Roughing Cycle Enhancements

Two new items of functionality in the Roughing Cycle provide time savings in the milling, turning and MTM environments.

Detect Undercut Stock enhances the already powerful stock detection command, by analyzing previously undetected areas of stock. This option helps to avoid ‘fresh-air’ cutting, reducing machining time – in some cases by up to half.

Waveform Roughing Strategy now gives users the ability to determine the radius size when using the helical approach option, by simply entering maximum and minimum values, which will aid the tool’s entry into the component.

Automatic collision detection has been added to the Rough Turning Cycle. In previous versions of the software, it was necessary to manually apply profile extensions to avoid collisions.

Gun Drilling

EDGECAM 2018 R1 provides support for Deep Hole Drilling – also known as Gun Drilling. The new strategy empowers the user to control entry, exit and intermediate drilling conditions. This will be particularly important where specialised Gun Drilling tools are used, and the process requires absolutely precise NC code.

Profiling Cycle New Functionalities

The Profiling cycle used in both milling and turning, now has two new items of functionality. A Spring Cuts field has been added to the Multi Passes tab, which means tool deflection can be removed where necessary, by adding extra neutral passes, known as Spring Passes. This will be used typically when machining hard materials… repeating the profile pass can result in improved accuracy and surface finish.

the new Adjust Feedrate on Arc command improves cycle time calculation. In previous editions of EDGECAM, the postprocessor adjusted circular interpolation feedrates, which gave correct NC output, but not the best cycle time calculation.

JT Open Files Support

Support for JT Open files is incorporated for the first time. This is a lightweight 3D model format developed by Siemens PLM Software. As this file format is expected to become increasingly popular, more and more EDGECAM users will benefit with the files now being supported in the Solid Machinist for Parasolid license. And there’s also support for AutoCad 2018 DWG/DXF files.

Editing Manual Milling Function

An Editing Manual Milling function provides for editing a manually created milling feature, instead of having to recreate an entire feature when extra edges are required. This is expected to give considerable time savings to Solid Machinist users.

Inspection Module

The EDGECAM Inspection module has been significantly enhanced, which brings many new features to the software. Considerable progress has been made with the postprocessor development and NC output, through new Code Wizard options. This includes support for Fanuc macros.

Users now have full control when editing an Inspection feature, including a calibration technique. They can also determine both feature and properties characteristics.

The Move Point function within the Inspection module has two further options: ‘Fixed Axis,’ and ‘Fixed On Surface,’ giving the ability to align a measurement point along a fixed axis, or a solid face. And the Plane Feature command has been enhanced enabling users to choose to evaluate ‘flatness’ on more than four probe touches.

Cycle Dialogs Update

EDGECAM 2018 R1 continues the evolution of updating cycle dialogs with pictures and context-sensitive help, by updating the B-Axis Contouring Cycle, and 3- and 5- Axis cycles. This not only assists experienced users to easily interpret an infrequently used command, but also helps less familiar users to rapidly understand fundamental functionality.

Another new feature that delivers significant time savings is the Pass Boundary To Cycles function, in the Feature Properties window. An improved toolpath is generated when the user engagers Current Stock, and picks a solid feature. Rather than use the stock limits, which can sometimes lead to unwanted passes, the toolpath is now clipped back to the feature’s natural boundary…particularly useful when creating automatic toolpaths in Strategy Manager.

User Experience Enhancements

2018 R1 release includes several ‘user experience’ enhancements, one of which is the improved visibility and consistency of the Datum WORKPLANe marker. The new datum is more prominent. And will change appearance to signify its usage – default, mating location, or machine datum. This is particularly useful when working with multiple component parts, on tombstones and multi-face machining.

B-Axis Contouring Cycle

Finally, additional functionality has been added to the B-Axis Contouring Cycle, which was introduced in the 2017 R2 edition. Maximum Angular Increment will improve the surface finish by refining the NC output, while machining complex turned profiles.


There are around 20 items of new and enhanced functionality in EDGECAM 2017 R2, from the Hexagon stable, covering turning, milling, simulation, and wire EDM.

New B-Axis Turning Cycle

This new feature in EDGECAM 2017 R2 allows greater accessibility when machining complex profiles, by dynamically positioning the insert.

The toolholder is gouge-protected during deployment, and the user can have additional control over the toolpath by deploying over-ride angles. This new cycle can be used with all types of turning tools, and for both roughing and finishing operations.

Measures In Fixture Database

When using the Fixture Database it is now possible to measure fixtures and other workholding devices. It’s essential to be able to accurately measure the exact position and size of the fixture, as well as clarifying its relationship to components, stock and any other workholders.

CadLink Feature Finding

Regarding Feature Finding, information transmitted by CadLink has been enhanced where ‘Limits and Fit’ data is now passed to the EDGECAM feature. This support covers CREO, SolidWorks and Inventor files. As well as showing the characteristic of the feature, this information also empowers strategy manager authors to capture and use the data when creating machining routines.

Live Job Reports

The Live Job Reports function was previously run as a windows service. EDGECAM 2017 R2 swaps it to a desktop application, improving reliability when altering user profiles.

New Quick Search Function

With so many software tools available in EDGECAM it can sometimes be difficult to judge which commands to permanently fix on the interface, but the latest release overcomes this with a new Quick Search function. Less common functionality can be easily located and deployed by simply searching the command library.

Cycle Dialog Updates

The 2017 R2 release continues EDGECAM’s evolution of updating cycle dialogs with pictures and context sensitive help. Slot Milling, Project Flow Curves and Project Circular Pattern cycles have all been updated. This feature not only assists regular users to easily interpret infrequently used commands, but it also aids less familiar users to quickly understand fundamental functionality.

Inspection Module

The Inspection Module offers an “unparalleled ease of use and sophisticated probe path generation” for both in-process and end-item part inspection. It provides a robust environment for on-machine probing, supporting a wide array of feature types, path creation and report generation.

Responding to the growing need for offline inspection and probing, EDGECAM caters for CAM programmers, and utilizes CAD models. Using a set of easy to use commands, the user creates a set of inspection features which are then converted into a toolpath and simulated. This means the machine code macros are created via EDGECAM’s postprocessor.

Machine Simulator

The Machine Simulator benefits from two additional enhancements. The ability to pick the target component while using View Comparison was introduced in the previous release, and has now been enhanced so that users can now opt for ‘All components’…especially useful when working with numerous parts on a multi-loaded fixture.

And secondly, a quicker, more convenient way of rewinding the toolpaths has been introduced when exiting Machine Simulator: rather than use the traditional menu option, users can now simply hold down the ‘Shift’ key.

Roughing And Hole Drill Cycles

Roughing and Hole Drill cycles have been upgraded to be more consistent with existing functionality – namely when roughing to full depth, users no longer need to state a ‘cut increment’ value. In previous releases, it was necessary to provide a figure.

Similar to the Roughing cycle, when set to ‘Use Current Stock’ the 2017 R2 Hole cycle no longer requires a Z Level value — the system automatically detects the start position for the toolpath.

Wire EDM Enhancements

Finally for Wire EDM users, numerous enhancements have been made to the Machine Configurator. Support for multiple versions of EDM Expert is now available, and a new technology setting has been added, allowing cycles to automatically switch to the appropriate EDM Expert technology page.

ACVISIon & Excetek Postprocessors

The ACVISIon and Excetek postprocessors now have more options, giving greater user control.

Tagging functions

The Tagging functions now allow a non-parallel movement when exiting a machining path. This assists with better code output and allows a constant tag width along the entire part.


EDGECAM 2017 R1 offers nearly fifty items of new and enhanced functionality covering turning, milling, wire EDM, machine configurations, and user experience. Individually these items each produce time savings, improved performance or enhance the ease of use. Taken together they represent a significant improvement in the overall user experience for our customers

Tombstone Module

The new 2017 release of EDGECAM introduces a Tombstone module for assembling pre-existing parts on a defined mounting device such as a Tombstone or dowel plate. A simple dialog window enables users to add pre-machined part files, specifying the positions they are to be mounted on the multi-component work-holding device.  Once they are assembled, EDGECAM automatically merges and rationalizes all machining sequences by tool or index position and optimizing the NC output into sub-routines.

This new feature offers huge time savings, as users no longer need to manually carry out the load, insert, merge and rationalize commands.

Machine Configuration

EDGECAM’s Code Wizard includes two highly significant enhancements in terms of machine tool configurations for lathes. When specifying Turret Type, the code wizard now supports Linear configuration. On this type of turret tools are mounted in a linear fashion, across either the X, Y or Z axis.

Radially and axial mounted tools are also supported, in both single and multiple spindle environments.

Another new feature is a sliding spindle or material, providing support for machines where the tool is static but the material slides in and out of the chuck or collet. These enhancements are made to accommodate the tooling and motion used in Swiss-type machines.


Having supported probing on mills for many years, the latest release of EDGECAM introduces the same technology in the turning and mill-turn environment. Renishaw and m & h probing systems are supported, as well as a new Probe category in the Toolstore. Users can choose from a list of seven command cycles, all fully supported in the machine simulator.

Wire EDM Improvements

The new release includes three specific enhancements for wire users – transformation, Fanuc technology, and Wireframe Feature Finder. The previous of EDGECAM introduced the Transform command, and this latest version evolves the Translate function within that, by adding two further significant time saving Transform commands: Rotate and Mirror, which also supports sub-routine output. And the new software also supports Fanuc a-C600Ia in the Technology tables.

The new Wireframe Feature finder command caters specifically for users working with 2D/3D wireframe CAD data. It removes the need to rely on Linked and Taper Profile commands, making it easier to work with intricate profile shapes.

Milling Profiling

Three new pieces of functionality have been added to the Profiling cycle. Cut Increment Stand Off, under the Links tab, gives control of the cutter’s position during passes. The Helical function now has a Supress Helical Clean Up Pass Offset option in the Multiple Passes function determines the order of cuts. The Multiple Passes function now offers Cut By Offset, which allows the user to determine the manner in which the toolpath is distributed.

Workflow and Planning Board

Numerous new features have been added to the Workflow and Planning Board automated machining commands, leading to toolpaths being generated faster. Strategies are now applied to both Main and Sub Spindles in the Turning environment, instead of only in Main, meaning the strategies now support the Spindle Set-Up command by transferring the workpiece from the Main to the Sub Spindle. And the introduction of Hole Finish Method in the Options dialog now allows Reaming to be specified as a method of finishing a hole feature by checking the hole’s finish attribute. A new Use Current Tool check-box in the Machine Feature option can force the strategy to use the current turning tool or milling cutter.

Session details have been added to Setup Browser and Rotational Handle on Dynamic CPL Marker within the Turning environment. Within the turning environment users will notice that the CPL Marker looks simpler by just displaying the X and Z markers greatly improving ease of use. The new marker can be used to dynamically rotate, pan and translate the component. The Set-Up window has been split into two distinct panels – Session, which displays environment and material information, and Set-Up dealing with datum and positioning. And when loading multiple parts the Set-Up window will individualize each solid model and automatically add a new CPL datum, meaning each model can be scrutinised individually, and datum altered.

Improved Display enhancements

Several background enhancements not only improve picking/highlighting when working with solid files, but show improvements in speed and part file manipulation. These enhancements come about through improvements to EDGECAM’s own internal engine, and by upgrading the OpenGL 3.3 technology.

CAM Cycle Dialogs

EDGECAM 2017 R1 continues to evolve CAM cycle dialogs by adding images and context-sensitive help to more commands focusing on the turning environment. Specific dialogs which have been updated include Thread Turning, Rough Grooving, Finish Groove, Rough Side Groove, Finish Side Groove, Rough Profile and the 5-Axis Tab – “Tool Axis Control” tab. These improvements can be extremely helpful for infrequent users.

Various improvements

The Update Fixture command has been enhanced to include optimised Indexing moves. “Previously, users had to pick a safe Index position for the whole sequence. EDGECAM 2017 R1 removes this limitation, by automatically checking and correcting all Index Moves against stock and fixtures.”

Additional updates have been made to the Rough Groove cycle…this time to include canned cycle support, through a Canned Cycle check-box.

There is no longer any need to program Rapid To Toolchange and Rapid To Home commands when working with turning and mill-turn machines, as this can now be set as the default.

Users working with multiple components will gain significant benefits from two new features in the Insert Component command. “It’s now possible to insert separate machining sequences – whereas in the past all sequences had to be inserted, which, in certain set-ups, wasn’t necessary.” Also, CPL datum can now be selected from a simple drop-down menu.


EDGECAM 2016 R2 offers significant time savings while loading solid model part files. During trials, the files loaded around 20 times faster, because less time is taken opening files, due to ‘tessellation.’
“This latest release of EDGECAM breaks the  model down into triangles, which are then stored in such a way that they can be read back much faster than before.”

Fully 64bit & Full Support

The new release is fully 64bit, improving access to memory. In the past, although EDGECAM’s machining engine and machine simulator have been 64bit, the overall package was 32bit. “This restricted large part files, but now EDGECAM is completely 64bit, it has the ability to store larger, and more, solid parts and toolpaths. Also, this speeds up toolpath transfer into 64bit memory.”

Full support is provided in a new module, for rotary heads typically found on Trevisan type machine tools, common to the oil and gas industry where very large components require a turning operation provided by the rotating head. The component remains stationary on the rotary table, with the secondary spindle being used to turn profiles and bores.

Ramp Cut Strategy – Rough Turn

Following on from Waveform turning, the existing Rough Turn Cycle now features a new Ramp Cut strategy. This method is typically used for turning deep recesses with double-sided turning inserts…and extends tool life as the contact point on the insert is constantly changing, avoiding notching. The new strategy can be used with decreasing cut increments.

Enhancements & Machine Configuration

Improvements have been made to machine configuration when simulating lathes with slanting turrets. “In the past, simulation showed this type of lathe as having the upper and lower turrets in line, but EDGECAM 2016 R2 displays slanting turrets in their true position.”

Turning, milling and wire EDM functions all benefit from numerous enhancements, including three for turners in the area of grooving. Improvements to the rough grooving cycle have done away with the need to manually add radius compensation, as the cycle now incorporates that functionality.

“The cycle now automatically detects a small radius or chamfer on a groove feature, and removes surplus cuts where applicable. “This not only saves cycle time, but also alleviates the need to manually check for wasted cuts.” The rough groove cycle also offers a new Intermediate Cuts function for determining the number of extra cuts required to successfully machine across a large chamfer or radius on a groove feature.


EDGECAM 2016 R2 continues to evolve its EWS product by importing 3D IGES wireframe files. Once the files have been loaded they can be turned into solid models with existing EWS tools such as Sketch Plane and Ruled Surface.

Wire EDM Improvements

Three enhancements are aimed specifically at Wire EDM users. Firstly, new output options for each controller family have been added to the Machine Configuration settings – and the Makmino technology database has been updated to support additional machines and controllers.

Secondly, the Move command now supports rotary axis positioning, meaning users can choose not only a linear value, but also an angular co-ordinate. And thirdly, the Wire Ribbon Interface now has a ‘Translate’ command, giving the ability to globally move either single or multiple CAM instructions. “The command works in the same way as that in the mill and turning environments where ‘from’ and ‘to’ group the translated CAM instructions,” says Simon Mee.

Mill/turn & Milling Profiling

Improved functionality to both mill/turn and milling profiling include a refined algorithm which generates less code while maintaining accuracy. “This is clearly seen when a user picks solid edges or loops from a solid model. The code is now converted to line/arcs if possible, dramatically reducing the amount of NC output.”

Advanced 5 axis Cycle

The Advanced 5-Axis Cycle benefits from seven new aspects, each one aimed at either offering new toolpath functionality, or improving existing ways of working. Focusing on the ‘Multi blade machining’ module, additional Collision Check options have been added, along with the introduction of a specific fillet finishing option commonly found on impellor components. The Roughing tab now includes the ability to mirror a 5-axis toolpath, which not only creates a mirror image by reflecting it symmetrically, but also alleviates the need to add extra transformation CAM instructions.

When using swarf machining in the 5-axis cycle, users will find a new parameter in the Utility tab: Maximum Angle Step For Rotation Axis limits the rotation angle of the machine head, as some machine controls struggle to compensate for large rotation angles.

A new pattern type – Flowline – has been added to the advanced 5-axis cycle. It creates a toolpath aligned to either the U or V direction of the machining surface. “The user can determine the toolpath’s style, choosing either ‘along’ or ‘around.’ As only a single face is required, calculation is extremely fast.” A typical application for Flowline is where a specific surface texture, or grain, is required.

Port Machining Enhancements

Port machining is given two enhancements. The cycle now uses Automatic Spine, where, by default, it checks the spine position in relation to the machining surface. “If it’s too close, the toolpath is automatically trimmed back,” says Simon Mee. “In previous versions the toolpath would not have been created.  Also, an ‘Edge Rolling’ checkbox has been added to the port machining option which extends the toolpath as it enters the port.”

Improved Display enhancements

A number of new and improved display enhancements give a greater level of control in EDGECAM 2016 R2. Machine Display buttons have been added to the Heads Up Display control, for toggling individual elements of a machine tool graphic. A ‘comment field’ has been added to all CAM cycles for outputting general information about a specific cycle, helping programmers communicate more easily. And, based on customer feedback, the new Setup Browser has replaced the Component Setup Window. While retaining all previous functionality, it adds the ability to dock and undock the display. The browser can be displayed on multiple tabs, but can also be hidden, if required.

CAM Cycle Dialogs

EDGECAM 2016 R2 continues to evolve CAM cycle dialogs by adding images and context-sensitive help to more commands, specifically Plunge Roughing, Project Toolpath, Rest Finishing and Project Boundary Collapse.. “To use an old phrase, ‘A picture paints a thousand words,’ says Simon Mee. “This new functionality helps users to quickly understand exactly what the function does, reducing their learning curve.”

Various improvements

Support for Nutated Head on mill turn machines using Fanuc, Siemens and Heidenhain controllers is introduced into EDGECAM’s machine tool configurations.

‘Corner control’ is now available when Compensation is set to Geometry. In previous versions of EDGECAM, the ability to break the corner was only supported when Compensation was set to Centre-Line.

And a further enhancement has removed ‘rollovers,’ which could happen when the cycle was set to Pick Solid Faces. This improvement will be applied automatically when the toolpath is regenerated in EDGECAM 2016 R2.

The new Editable Manual Turn feature means users can now alter a turned profile feature by simply checking an ‘edit’ command.

Colour is now taken into account on the Filter Entity Type command. “This means users have extra control as they can identify all entities, including a solid feature, by their colour.

While using any of EDGECAM’s probing cycles entities, including linear and circular edges, vertices and circular faces, can now be picked directly from a solid model, and because they are associative to the model, the toolpath automatically updates after a design change.

Edgecam 2016 R1

The latest release of Edgecam’s game-changing manufacturing software contains over 30 important new and enhanced items of CAD and CAM functionality for milling, turning, and wire EDM.

Pre Plunge Finish Groove Cycle

Turners now benefit from a new time-saving Pre-Finish Plunge option found in the Finishing Grooving cycle in Edgecam 2016 R1. A single plunge cut is generated at the centre of a groove feature, and the cycle then continues to finish the feature in the usual way. As this removes most of the material it does away with the need for a Rough Grooving cycle.

Ramp Cut Strategy – Rough Turn

Following on from Waveform turning, the existing Rough Turn Cycle now features a new Ramp Cut strategy. This method is typically used for turning deep recesses with double-sided turning inserts…and extends tool life as the contact point on the insert is constantly changing, avoiding notching. The new strategy can be used with decreasing cut increments.

Images on Cycle Dialogs

Five more milling CAM cycles have been upgraded to use images and help tooltips. Edgecam’s Product Manager, Simon Mee says: “This helps users to quickly understand the command function and also presents a consistent user interface.” The cycles are Parallel Lace, Pencil Mill, Face Mill, Flat Land Finishing, and Constant Cusp Finishing.

Edgecam Workflow Solids | EWS

Enhancements have been made to Edgecam’s 3D modelling software, EWS. A new 2D Offset Tool makes design creation easier. Common shapes and profiles are quickly duplicated and copies by an offset amount, reducing sketching time. More time is saved while creating constraints, as it is no longer necessary to exit the command – the dimension value is now immediately editable. And entities dynamically snap during the sketching phase. Also, an enhanced Arc command now includes a Set Diameter/Radius option, allowing multiple identical circles to be added to a sketch.

ACIS Solids | Performance Improvements

Edgecam 2016 R1 sees the completion of memory-handling developments for working with multiple solid models. “Similar to Parasolid, Inventor and Granite files, users will now see noticeable performance improvements when working with ACIS models. This is achieved by only storing a single solid model – when duplicates are required Edgecam creates references to the original geometry. Customers working with tombstone parts or sub-spindle lathes will reap significant benefits from this new functionality.”

Operation Upgrades

A number of significant upgrades have been made to the Operations function, which is used in particular by new or infrequent Edgecam programmers as a quick and easy way to develop complex toolpaths. Roughing, profiling, turning, and 4- and 5-axis commands have been enhanced, as well as the addition of a new chamfering operation.

Roughing Operation

The roughing operation is now stock-aware, and adopts the Waveform toolpath strategy. In addition, the rough turn operation now supports the B-axis…and the 4- and 5- axis operations can now directly pick on the solid model.

Simulator Update Stock Improvements

A function used for both milling and turning operations now saves additional time on the Update Stock command. “Through intelligent coding, the command no longer needs to process the graphical aspects of the machine set-up,” says Simon Mee. “This means the Machine Simulator can focus on pure toolpath. Further performance improvements have been made to the simulator when dealing with large toolpaths such as roughing and 5-axis cycles. The simulator now groups multiple cuts intelligently, to provide an optimum performance benefit.”

Feature Finder | Partial Holes

A further enhancement to the Automatic Feature Finding command means users can set a Partial Hole Angle when creating features. The value will control which hole features can be detected, and eventually machined. “This is particularly useful when the overall feature includes a hole or partial radius, and removes the need to manually create a hole feature or arc entity,” says Simon Mee.

Machine Tool Configuration improvements

New functionality has been added to the area of machine tool configuration – continuing the evolution of catering for milling machines with turning capabilities, Edgecam 2016 R1 has introduced full support for head-table machines, including support for Siemens, TNC and ISO programming languages.

Extended Collision Detection

Building on enhancements from previous releases, Edgecam 2016 R1 now offers extended collision detection and improved NC output for machining holes. Working in unison with the Update Fixture command, the Hole Cycle avoids collisions with fixtures by using clearance and retract values parameters. Simon Mee says this feature is especially beneficial when non-uniform clamps are used. “The cycle’s ‘link’ moves are minimised. As they’re calculated from the local fixture height, this reduces cycle time considerably. “As a result of this, the program output has been improved, as the specific retract value can be used in canned cycles.

Wire EDM

Wire EDM users benefit from a new Smart Cycle machining command. This combines 2-axis and 4-axis wire machining into one function, by analysing the input geometry shape. It guarantees that the output code always matches the feature shape, without the user needing to do anything else.

Edgecam 2016 R1 also introduces a ‘Test For Separation / Slug Removal’ function into the wire EDM simulator. “Users can examine if slugs of material can become detached from the main stock body. The simulation test displays all separations, and shows which direction they’ll take. By knowing of any problems at this stage, users can decide whether to change the machining process. This is especially valuable on complex 3D shapes, where it’s not always obvious if separation is possible.”

Edgecam 2015 R2

The latest release of Edgecam’s game-changing manufacturing software contains a number of important new and enhanced items of CAD and CAM functionality for milling, turning, and wire EDM.

Highlights include an upgrade to the multi spindle lathe set up, a new port machining module for its renowned 5-axis cycle, and significant time savings through the enhanced hole cycle.

Overall, Edgecam 2015 R2 has around 50 items of new and enhanced functionality

Lathe & Spindle Set-Up

The Lathe Set-Up command has been enhanced, allowing for clearer definition of Main and Sub-Spindle components. This leads to a better understanding of which machining features are active, and means multiple transfers can be made between spindles.

And the new Spindle Set-Up command makes it easier to edit the sequence window. Also, the sub-spindle part can be machined away from its home position.

Advanced 5 axis Cycle

The Advanced 5-Axis Cycle capability has a new Port Machining module, offering both roughing and finishing strategies. The toolpath reaches the full area with a single path, offering two types of cut pattern.

Enhanced Hole Cycle

Using the enhanced Hole Cycle in Edgecam 2015 R2 gives significant time savings. Where voids or intersecting holes are detected, the toolpath is automatically adjusted, increasing the feedrate while the tool is not cutting. The NC output is adjusted using the high feedrate of the machine tool.

Edgecam Workflow Solids (EWS)

Numerous enhancements have been made to Edgecam’s internal modelling software, Edgecam Workflow Solids. For the rapid creation of uniform profiles, EWS has introduced a Slotting Tool command, which quickly and easily adopts any profile shape, adding width and depth to the feature. Fillets and corner blends are also supported.

Edgecam 2015 R2 introduces the ability to automatically add dimensional constraints in EWS, through the Sketch Analysis command. Users save a significant amount of time when creating sketches extracted from DXF/DWG files.

Wire EDM

Wire EDM benefits from further Advanced controls for Edgecam’s 2- and 4-axis Wire EDM machining cycles. Not only has Corner Relief been added, but the system now offers four variants of the command. For example, where a razor sharp edge is required on external corners, the Loop control is selected…while choosing Circle creates relief on an internal corner.

Since its initial release the Edgecam Wire EDM cycle has supported interruptions to the wire path in order to introduce Glue Stops, or tags. This command has been enhanced in 2015 R2, automatically producing multiple tags for large, heavy or complex parts.

Collision avoidance

The latest release delivers additional collision avoidance by checking Link moves between all Milling cycles. Link moves are now automatically checked against Stock and Fixtures, with the tool retracting to a safe height where collisions are detected.

M & H support

In addition, the items of new and enhanced functionality include support for M & H probing, simulation of screw threads, new machine tool configuration for turning on milling machines, CAD links for Creo Parametric files, and support for lathes with sub spindles offset from  centreline.
Edgecam 2015 R2 supports touch probes from M & H. Users can measure workpieces and simulate the probe movements with six individual probing cycles. Each cycle has also been enhanced with eight new functions, giving a wider choice of inspection data.

Thread Cutting Simulation

Machine simulation of thread cutting has been introduced into the new release, allowing users to view and analyse thread forms created by the Thread Turn cycle. It gives a choice of viewing an accurate representation of the thread, or a pictorial image.

Enhanced machine tool configuration

Enhanced machine tool configuration ensures manufacturers can avoid potential collisions while machining on lathes with main and sub spindles – the sub spindle locations can be repositioned using the new ‘Offset X location’ function.  And with the increasing popularity in mill-turn machines, further evolution in Machine Tool configurations means users can now create ‘table-table,’ ‘head-table’ and ‘nutated table-table’ machines, including TNC control.

Creo Parametric Files

Finally, thanks to new support for Creo Parametric files, users can now launch Edgecam from within Creo Parametric, and the resulting file contains valuable manufacturing information, including thread data.

Edgecam 2015 R1

The swift evolution of Edgecam Workflow is highlighted with over 50 new and enhanced aspects of functionality in the latest release.

Waveform turning, multiple machining sequence support, ribbon bar and interface updates, and the inclusion of Wire EDM mean that Edgecam 2015 R1, from Vero Software, continues to be a game changer in ensuring UK manufacturers can compete in a global economy.

Vero’s Strategic Product Director, Raf Lobato, says having developed waveform roughing for milling during the last two years, the new version of Edgecam also makes it available for turning strategies.

Amongst the new and enhanced functionality available in Edgecam 2015 R1:

Rough Waveform Turning

Based on the successful milling waveform technology, Edgecam 2015 R1 introduces a brand new turning cycle, Rough Waveform Turning. The toolpath maintains a constant cutting load, enabling significantly faster cutting data, and prolonging tool life. Similar to other turning commands, the cycle is sensitive to the stock condition, eliminating ‘fresh-air cuts.’

Multiple Setup Support

The new release introduces further Workflow enhancements by supporting multiple  setups in both the turning and milling environments.  This means both the component and stock and fixtures can be passed to subsequent new, machining sequences. This enhancement promotes the use of one single CAM file to house multiple machining setups, ensuring the stock remains associative between setups is a massive improvement.

Themes – Ribbon Bar Customisation

The default ribbon bar can be customised and saved as a ‘Theme.’ Themes can be exported to other Edgecam installations and deployed across networks. Users can personalise their individual theme with frequently used commands, even adding custom macros.

Edgecam Workflow Solids (EWS)

Numerous new commands have been added to the internal solid modelling software. DXF and DWG files can now be imported to accelerate the design process. And both internal and external threads can now be created in EWS. An array of time-saving commands have been introduced, such as Copy/Move procedures and the ability to create circular workplanes.

Wire EDM

The Wire EDM product is now available in the Workflow environment, and Edgecam 2015 R1 offers full machine simulation, including stock and cross-section display.

Turning on Milling Machines

A new machine tool configuration has been introduced, making it possible to turn on a milling machining centre. As well as accurate code output, full machine tool graphics are available for toolpath simulation.

Picking 3D Faces

The Parallel Lace, Constant Cusp, Rest Finishing and Pencil Mill Cycles have all been enhanced to allow ‘direct picking,’ meaning that individual faces or surfaces can be selected and without the need for creating boundaries the entire model will be protected against.

New Engraving Cycle

The new machining command ‘Engraving Cycle, allows complex geometry corners to be shaped, and artwork profiles to be machined. Using direct picking, the cycle works with a variety of entities, and offers four different types of strategies.

Ordering of Profiling and Roughing

An Optimise Path function has been added to both the roughing and profiling cycles, giving greater control over the toolpath. Specifically, users can save on wasted toolpath movements by dictating the order in which regions are machined.

Edgecam 2014 R2

The exciting new functionality in Edgecam 2014 R2 begins to show how Edgecam Workflow will be the default method for using Edgecam. Automatic conversion of 2D design data to a 3D model, and other significant enhancements to Edgecam Worfklow, from user interface to improved automatic machining processes, are some of the important aspects in the latest release of Edgecam software enhancing Edgecam Workflow to a new level of capability.
Edgecam 2014 R2 has just been launched, and several items of new and enhanced functionality demonstrate why it continues to lead the way in improving productivity and flexibility for manufacturers, increasing their profitability.
General Manager Raf Lobato says: “There are a number of exciting new aspects in Edgecam 2014 R2, including 2D to 3D for Part Modeler, the new Edgecam Workflow Solids modeler, comprehenisve machining strategies in Edgecam Workflow, and dynamic co-ordinate system creation. In addition, job reports are now available on portable devices. They all come for free for Edgecam users who are on a Software Maintenance Plan.”
Amongst the new and enhanced functionality available in Edgecam 2014 R2:

2D to 3D for Part Modeler

This ensures old 2D legacy design data can be used in Edgecam Workflow without the need for total part re-modelling. A 2D drawing can now be converted automatically into a 3D model quickly and accurately by simply selecting the views and tracing the part outline.

Edgecam Workflow Solids (EWS)

Offers a fast and simplistic approach to creating simple CAM-ready 3D solid models, delivering standard modelling functions such as extrude, revolve, and blend, supported by parametric sketching. A feature wizard allows for the rapid creation of specific hole types. An interactive story board means users can remodel and edit the original design by quickly selecting the process to be edited, and re-applying the changes.

Edgecam Workflow

Workflow been enhanced in all areas, with the inclusion of EWS,  customisable ribbon bars laid out in a logical process order, and improved machining strategies to enable toolpaths to be generated quickly and efficiently while considering the component stock, fixtures and material.

Dynamic co-ordinate system creation

The new software includes an interactive way of creating construction planes (CPLs), by simply dragging the CPL marker from the bottom left of the screen onto a face, vertices or edge, and the CPL marker automatically snaps and orientates as required. Dragging the marker over the model instantly offers options of alignment and location, making it easy to find the preferred origin.

Job reports on portable devices

View job reports on standard portable devices via internet browsers. Reports can be searched, viewed and printed anywhere, at any time.

Adveon integration

Edgecam 2014 R2 will be the first CAD/CAM platform to integrate Sandvik’s Adveon Tool Library. Adveon is a single tool library, managing tools from a number of manufacturers, and guarantees accurate geometrical information. While the engineer’s input is reduced, users can rapidly build tooling databases, and have access to 3D CAD models for accurate simulation and visualisation.

Direct import of tooling information from Mazak machines

An interface loads the .DAD file from Mazatrol controls and stores the .DAD tooling data instantly in Edgecam’s Toolstore. Ensuring that the tool selection in Edgecam reflects the tools available on the specific machine, means only tools on the machine can be selected, eliminating machine setup downtime.
Raf Lobato says: “With so much game-changing technology in each new release, it’s no wonder many machine manufacturers are choosing to partner with Edgecam to provide a full solution for their customers’ machining needs, which includes the right software as well as the machine. Edgecam is providing the CAM part of that solution.”
Highlighting this trend, a number of machine tool manufacturers and agents used Edgecam  to program live cutting demonstrations at the recent MACH exhibition. Mazak, Matsuura, Hurco, Engineering Technology Group, ROMI and YMT Technologies all chose Edgecam to demonstrate the full capabilities of their machines.
Workflow Webinar, The Edgecam technical team will be presenting Workflow webinars, reviewing the latest developments that have been implemented, and discussing the three levels of manufacturing intelligence which offer true flexibility. “During the presentation we will demonstrate how easily Edgecam Workflow can be used to create and manufacture simple 2D prismatic parts progressing to advanced components using multi task machines with simultaneous 5 axis capability,” says Raf Lobato.

Edgecam Latest Release – 2014 R1

Edgecam’s game-changing Workflow tools just got even faster. Workflow is already renowned for enabling CAD CAM engineers to apply toolpaths within seconds, and now, based on customer feedback, many enhancements have been made in the latest release, Edgecam 2014 R1, mainly in the two areas of part setup and stock and fixture management, giving additional control and saving even more time.


A Machine Feature command allows users to interactively select a feature on their component, which will then be machined. The user can elect to only rough, finish, or rough and finish, meaning they have full control over their manufacturing order, without the need to apply full automation.

And Fixture Manager sees the introduction of chucks and collets that can be used for milling and turning. An additional time-saver: the fixture manager will also automatically filter valid and invalid fixtures based on component size, and offer a dynamic placement preview before it is placed on to the component.

Milling Enhancements

New Chamfer Cycle

The new Chamfering Cycle is a modern command supporting 2D and 3D geometry. The option to automatically debur sharp edges also removes the requirement to prepare geometry, which is another time-saver. It fully supports cutter radius compensation as well as 3D chamfering.

Support for 3D Normal Offset Output:

Surface machining cycles now have an added control to compensate for tool wear on 3D machining toolpaths. This gives greater accuracy and control on tight tolerance components.

Ease of Use:

Further enhancements include a new design CPL datum marker with colour coded rotation bars and axis labelling. And following on from the introduction of pictures on dialogs in 2013 R2, this has been extended to the ‘rough and finish turn cycles’ promoting ease of use for new or infrequent users.


An Interactive editing tool for re-designing standard dialog boxes is available. The ability to “Mask” the standard interface allows users to pick which modifiers settings are displayed, empowering them to create command dialogs aligned to their preferred manufacturing methods.

Live Job Reports

Parts of Edgecam have gone mobile in 2014 R1. The new Live Job Reports is designed to be simple, easy and quick for small customers, while being very powerful for advanced users who want to customise it. It keeps the same performance on both small and large databases, easily handling thousands of tools and toolkits. And as this function runs on a website, the client can be a PC, and even a tablet or phone, making it possible to access the reports from the shopfloor on the go, without the need to print.

Part Modeler

A new item of functionality in Part Modeler finds fillet radii on third-party imported solid models and allows them to be edited. This Finding and Editing Fillets on Imported Models feature aids users preparing CAD data for manufacture.

Other Part Modeler enhancements include advanced loft and sweep commands which allow users to loft dissimilar shapes and add guide curves.

Edgecam Latest Release – 2013 R2

The most far-reaching enhancement in 2013 R2 is Workflow, enabling CAD/CAM engineers to apply toolpaths within seconds. Other powerful items of new and enhanced functionality include modern redesign of dialogs, four-turret support, free loading of CAD files into Part Modeler, quicker simulation, and improvements to the Wire EDM Feature Finder.


Workflow understands the component topology and therefore understands the required manufacturing environment.

The new tools aid in loading and positioning the component, choosing the manufacturing method and suitable machine tools, adding user defined stock or stock from a database, importing fixtures, selecting a machine and toolkit, and managing strategies to automate manufacture. At each stage Workflow takes decisions or makes suggestions as to how the goal is best achieved. However, the user can easily over-ride the decisions if required, making the whole process flexible.


All Edgecam dialogs have been updated to include a set of buttons for selecting data interactively. These buttons at the top of the dialog indicate what data is required:
• As geometry is required the appropriate buttons are highlighted
• If the geometry is mandatory and must be selected, then the button is marked with an underline
• When the data is picked, the appropriate button is ticked to show successful selection
• If the geometry selection is not required, the appropriate button is greyed out.
If any buttons are left without data after the OK button has been clicked, a prompt will be  displayed and the user will be asked to select the geometry. These new buttons guide the user through geometry selections, making all Edgecam cycles much easier to use.

Part Modeler

Part Modeler now comes with free CAD Model Loaders for Parasolid, STEP, NX, ACIS, Inventor, CATIA V5 and Creo Parametric files. A Move Hole and Faces command allows the repositioning of features from models designed in another CAD system. They can either be moved from the original CAD datum position or relative to a user defined position. To modify features – for example holes, grooves, pocket walls and boss heights on a third party model, individual feature can be moved to create a “Manufacturing Model” from a design model, allowing for mid tolerancing models to be created and manage conditions created, such as expansion, when using heat treatments.


Simulator now runs as a separate process to Edgecam providing the following benefits.

  • Simulator starts instantly on second start up; a major benefit when simulating large parts/div>
  • Simulator starts from where the simulation last finished; no need to run simulation from the start each time
  • pdate Stock is up to 50% quicker than the previous release.

Simulator rendering has been enhanced. By default, stock surfaces are rendered with a metallic look. And a Flat Rendering option has been added to render the surfaces with a non-metallic look. Rapid Result has been improved for this release and Tool graphics are now displayed, with Toggle Tool and Toggle Tool Holders buttons enabled.

Wire Profile

A new Wire Profile Feature command has been added to find features suitable for Wire Erosion from a solid. This facility removes the need to extract the edges from the solid to make the wireframe fences. Other improvements to the Wire EDM include:

  • Faces can be picked individually, by window or chained
  • Selected faces can have differing levels and heights; they do not need to be on parallel planes
  • It is possible to control the XY and UV Profile Height of the feature using controls on the feature dialog
  • The identified Wire Features appear in the feature list and have their own list of properties.

Milling Enhancements

Rationalise – Merge Identical Roughing and Profiling cycles

Typically, when milling cycles are applied to features, they are applied feature by feature using the Planning Board. This can lead to multiple identical cycles in the sequence browser with, for example, one cycle for each pocket.

Rationalise can now merge these cycles into one cycle, as is already done for hole cycles. When merge milling cycles is checked in the Rationalise dialog, cycles that are machined by the same Tool on the same CPL and whose dialog settings are identical are merged.

The benefit of merging the cycles not only makes the machining sequence shorter and easier to manage but the merged cycles inherit the toolpath ordering of the cycle. Initially, this has been implemented for the Roughing and Profiling cycles.

Mill Cycles – Select Boundary Edges Direct from Solid

The Milling cycles have been updated to allow boundaries to be selected directly from Solid Edges of EdgeLoops without the need to create geometry edges or EdgeLoops first. If the edges are not parallel to the current CPL, they are automatically projected in to the CPL to form a 2D boundary.

Turning Enhancements

New Finish Groove Cycle

A new Finish Groove cycle utilising the same processing as the Finish Turn cycle has been implemented to provide capabilities not available previously and to improve compatibility between the cycles.

The main advantages are:

  • Ability to change setting point depending on the side of tool in contact on the plunge moves
  • Ability to output CRC control codes and to change that code when changing tool sides
  • Ability to set an overlap
  • Ability to control lead in and out
  • Ability to split the cycle in the middle or side.

Finish Turning – Break First Entity enhanced

A new Break Orientation Angle setting has been added to the Control options allowing users to specify the angle of the theoretical element for which to break the first profile element. The angle of the theoretical element is controlled by an absolute user-supplied angle. If no angle is supplied then a right angle is assumed.

Strategy Manager Enhancements

User-defined Feature attributes for Strategies

Custom attributes can now be added to the Feature group of the attribute template which create new properties for Mill, Turn or Hole features. These attributes appear in the Edgecam feature properties window and can be set to communicate information to a strategy to affect the manufacturing process.

Solid Machinist Enhancements

Merge Nested Groove Features

A new Merge Nested Groove Features Turn option is available on the Feature Finder dialog. The new option allows grooves to be merged into larger grooves.

Toolstore Enhancements

Support for Keyed Index Turrets

A Turret Holder Mating option has been added to the Tool Mounting Parameters providing for machines fitted with index turrets that have keyed recesses into which pre-assembled keyed tool holders can be mounted.

Holder Origin Options

New Holder Origin possibilities make it easy to position the Tool Holder graphic.

A Holder Origin option has been added to the Tool Mounting Parameters which can be set to either the Insert Centre (Turning tools) or Flute Height (Milling and Hole tools), Tool Tip or Gauge Datum

Coolant Options

A Coolant option has been added to the Tool Mounting Parameters allowing you to specify whether the tool can pass coolant and the method used (Off, Flood, Mist or Air). The Through Coolant option in the Tool Geometry Parameters has been enhanced to provide a High Pressure selection.

Draw Tool Clearance

A Draw tool clearance option has been added to the Setting Preferences.

This option is used to display a ghosted image of the insert shape which will be used to generate the turn cycle offset including tool clearance angles.

Tooling Enhancements

Support for Keyed Index Turrets

A number of Index Turret / Holder Mating options have been added to the Loading Parameters providing for machines fitted with index turrets that have keyed recesses into which pre-assembled keyed tool holders can be mounted.

Holder Origin Options

New Holder Origin possibilities make it easy to position the Tool Holder graphic. Previously, the Holder Origin, the reference position for setting the Holder Graphic offsets was the Insert Centre. Now, a Holder Origin option has been added to the Tool Mounting Parameters which can be set to either the Insert Centre.

Code Wizard Enhancements

Inch / Metric conversion of CGDs

Users can now convert CGDs from Inch to Metric and vice versa. A Machine Units conversion can be applied to existing CGDs. A warning will be displayed to ensure that the user realises that the stored values will be changed. Relevant data in the post will be converted in addition to the graphics (both parametric and non-parametric).

2013 R1 is a release combining new strategies with an improved user interface across many aspects of the software. The strategies will make creating tool paths effortless and the improvements to the user interface will get your result much faster than before.

Edgecam Wire Erosion

Edgecam’s new Wire Erosion product is based on the industry leading Vero PEPS Wire product and offers an intuitive environment for the comprehensive programming of all Wire EDM machine tools. Including a comprehensive library of proven post-processors and knowledge-based cutting schemes as standard. Users can select from one of the pre-defined machining strategies such as ‘Unattended night runs’ and ‘Attended day runs’ or, alternatively, define their own.

Features inlude :

  • Pre-configured code generators, optionally configurable.
  • Knowledge-based cutting schemes.
  • Roughing and finishing cuts easily applied to multiple punches / dies.
  • Reverse cutting with offsets and cutting technology changes.
  • Multiple strategies for corner types; including square ISO and conic.
  • Toolpath display indicators showing thread wire, cut wire and program stop positions.
  • No-core pocket destruction of round and irregular shapes.
  • No-core pocket destruction considers pre-hole diameter to eliminate air cuts and reduce cycle time.

New Rough Profile Cycle

This is a new cycle that replaces the Rough Profile cycle. It is available with all Turning and Production Licenses.

The Rough Profiling cycle removes material in a series of cuts parallel to the input profile and is typically used for roughing free form profiles from free form stock billets. It is also useful for cutting materials where it is beneficial to minimise re-entrant cutting as it keeps the tool in contact with the material for longer.

Benefits of the new cycle include:

  • Cycle is optionally stock aware to eliminate air cuts and reduce cycle time.
  • Intelligent stock entry and exit.
  • Support for controller tool offset i.e. G41/G42.
  • Possibility to enter a constant cut depth or different cut depths for X and Z.
    Specify ZX or Constant Offset finishing allowance.
  • Possibility to enter different offsets for each face element.
  • Option to stop after a specified no. of cuts, return to a safe swarf clearance position, stop the machine, clear the swarf then carry on.
The old Rough Profile cycle has been removed from the default user interface but can be retrieved using Customise -> Commands -> Turn Cycles.

Roughing – Waveform Improvements

Waveform roughing has been improved to include the following enhancements :

  • The Waveform strategy now has the ability to set the Approach Type; Helix and Pre-drill are possible. It works in the same way as the other strategies. A 10% bigger drill tool is expected for the pre-drill option.
  • Waveform pattern has been improved to avoid unnecessary cutting interruptions when opening the initial ‘virtual pocket’. The transition between this area and actual toolpath is much smoother.
Percentage Plunge Feed added to Approach Options
The Plunge feedrate for approach moves can now be specified as a percentage of the Plunge feedrate on the General tab. This option is available for all Roughing strategy types.
Clean Up Final Pass added to Control Options
Some machines tools, due to the “Look Ahead” calculation and the high feeds, may leave pegs in the material showing unmachined areas. These pegs would be removed if the feeds were reduced, meaning that the toolpath is correct but, due to the “Look Ahead” calculation, the machine tool is avoiding those areas. Clean Up Final Pass has been added to the Control options which will add a pass at the end of the area to ensure that all material has been removed.

Moving the Sub-spindle – Option to Return Home without the part

The sub spindle can be docked to support the part for a machining process after which it may be sent back to its home position without the part. Previously, the stock was always returned home with the sub spindle – this is now optional.

There is an additional code constructor:

  • Sub Spindle Retract Empty. This is used to format the NC code for the Return Home Without Part option.

Turning Tool dialog – Machining of Internal Holes & Reverse Radial Tools

Machining of internal rotary holes has been improved to provide better access and handle situations which were previously not possible. Two situations have been improved:

  • Correctly handle internal holes when using a Radial tool.
    Typical work for very large parts where the whole turret can sometimes go inside the component to do machining.
  • Load a Reverse Radial tool. which on an Index type turret will allow for two situations (driven by machine parameter).
    Either load the tool at the front of the turret (with special holder / mounting mechanism) or load the tool at the back of the turret.

Five Axis Milling dialog – Direct Picking on Model

Previously, the Five Axis cycle had to use geometry created from the solid, for example, Edge Loops and Face Features. The cycle can now pick edges and faces directly from the model without having to create Edge Loops or Face Features.

Improved Collision Avoidance (3 to 5-Axis and Five Axis Cycles)
In Edgecam 2013 R1, a new Remove Remaining Collisions option has been introduced. This option, when checked, will remove any collisions remaining after the main checks have been completed by retracting the tool away from the surface.
New Advanced Five Axis Options
In Edgecam 2013 R1, new Chaining Tolerance and Slow and Safe Path Creation options have been introduced on the General tab:
  • Chaining Tolerance is an internal value, greater than zero, used for the toolpath generation. The Chaining Tolerance might have an effect for a flat or slightly curved face where, since less tool path points are generated, the toolpath has less information. In this situation the chaining tolerance makes the toolpath accurate. However, if a smaller tolerance is selected, more computing time is required.
  • When Slow and Safe Path Creation is checked, the Chaining Tolerance will be set to an interval not longer than the maximum stepover distance. As with the Chaining Tolerance, activating this parameter requires more computing time.
5 axis cycle – separate process and 64-bit support
In Edgecam 2013 R1, a 5 Axis cycle will always be moved into a separate process, regardless of whether Set Safe Start Point (SSSP) has been set.
A 64-bit version of the application has also been created (EdgeSrv5Axis64.exe).
This will improve situations where the cycle previously ran out of memory during calculation.

Profiling – Break Corner options for Profiling Cycle

The Profiling cycle has been updated to include options to break sharp corners with either a radius or chamfer. This will reduce secondary de-burring operations.

Set Safe Start Point for Mill/Turn (Background processing)

Set Safe Start Position is now available in the Mill/Turn environment. Turning cycles are not affected.

The Safe Start Point can now be set up using the options in the new Background Processing tab:

  • Two safe points can be defined for each turret when there is a Sub Spindle. Only one is required when no Sub Spindle is present.
  • Only Main Spindle points need to be defined; Sub Spindle points will be created automatically.

Automatically Finding Features – Feature Finder recognises U and V style grooves

Feature finder now recognises U and V style grooves and sets appropriate attributes. This is useful for machining of such features using strategies.

The new Groove Type Attribute defines:

  • V style grooves need to have equal side wall angles.
  • U and V Style Grooves need to start and end at same level.
  • U and V style grooves can include a lead in corner radius or chamfer.
  • U style grooves need to have a full
  • 180 degree base radius.
  • V style grooves can include a blend radius at its base.
  • V style grooves have Included Angle attribute.
  • U and V style grooves have Groove Width attribute. This is the distance across the top of the groove.

Feature Finder – Holes

It is now possible to find holes from a “dumb” model, add them to the model tree and edit them, if required, within Part Modeler.
This new introduction will :

  • Allow ALL “dumb” holes in the solid model to be defined and edited within Part Modeler.
  • Allow users to add extra information to “dumb” holes, e.g. thread data.
  • Allow similar holes to be processed as a group.
  • Allow similar holes to be processed individually.

Feature Ordering Enhancements

Feature Finder internally groups features with similar attributes prior to performing a nearest next sort.

Nearest Next
Mill features on the same solid that share the same CPL level are now ordered using a “nearest next” logic. This ensures that the features are in a reasonable machining order for use by Strategy Manager and Planning Board. This is primarily needed in the milling environment where you have a plate with many pockets.
Feature Find internally groups features with similar attributes before performing a “nearest next” sort and automatically ordering the features:
  • Closed Pockets, Open Pockets and Open Mill features are considered together for the purpose of internal grouping. The feature attributes that are considered for internal grouping are MaxXyRadius (range +/- 50%), Depth (range +/- 50%), Lower Radius (exact) and MinimumXYRadius (exact). Each feature group starts at the bottom left.
  • In the example, all attributes are identical except for the MaxXyRadius (The radius of the greatest circle fitting inside the top contour).
  • Internal groups have been identified by colour and these groups would typically be roughed / rest roughed with different tooling sets. However, all of these features have the same MinimumXYRadius and would, therefore, be finished with the same tool. The feature order used for roughing is, therefore, not necessarily useful for finishing.
Features on Parallel CPLs (Z axis) are considered together
The predefined manufacture ordering now groups all mill / hole features on CPLs which share the same Z same direction together. This ensures that the order of features is highest level first irrespective of CPL. Previously, mill and hole features were sorted by CPL and then CPL level.
Previously, if Feature Find was run more than once on different CPLs, features could be identified on different CPLs which shared the same Z direction. In this situation, ordering features by CPL could lead to features on a lower level being ordered before features on a higher level.

Planning Board – Automatic Ordering

Feature Find automatically orders features into a logical order for manufacture. Machining Strategies can subsequently be assigned to each feature. Typically, a feature will be assigned a minimum of one roughing and one finishing strategy. The Planning Board can now be automatically ordered based on the priority setting assigned to each strategy. Strategy Manager (File Properties) is used to assign a priority to a strategy.

Automatic Ordering has been added to the Planning Board:
  • In Strategy Manager, File Properties specify a priority for each strategy. When the planning board is populated, it is automatically ordered based on this priority setting.
  • In the sample set of Edgecam strategies, priorities have been set so that all rough turning is done before finish turning and rough milling is done before finish milling.
  • Automatic Ordering is enabled by selecting Auto Sort Planning Board on the General tab of the Preferences dialog or can be done by pressing the Sort by priority button.

2012 R2 is a release combining new strategies with an improved user interface across many aspects of the software. The strategies will make creating tool paths effortless and the improvements to the user interface will get your result much faster than before.

Quill Support in Milling

Edgecam 2012 R2 introduces quill support. This allows you to program a secondary Z axis (Z2) on milling machines for use by Edgecam, Simulator and Code Generator. The secondary Z axis can be in the head or the table.

  • In Code Wizard, specify parametric or custom quill graphics
  • New command to select the currently active Z axis in Edgecam
  • Simulation of quill movements and collision detection

New Advanced Five Axis Cycle

The Advanced Five Axis cycle is an extension of the standard 5 axis cycle and offers a number of new features and advantages over the standard cycle.

  • Graphical user interface
  • Interactive picking/geometry selection
  • Additional calculation methods

Steady Rests in Edgecam

Edgecam 2012 R2 introduces support for programmable steady rests. This allows machines to be configured with steady rests for use by Edgecam, Simulator and Code Generator.

  • In Code Wizard, specify parametric or custom steady rest graphics
  • Control steady rest movements in Edgecam
  • Simulation of steady movement and collision checking

Improved Display and Editing of Cycle Selections

Following a limited release in the previous version, ‘intelligent picking’ has been extended in Edgecam 2012 R2 to support most milling and turning cycles.

Each selected element – such as cycle geometry, boundary or start point – is now listed under the relevant cycle in the sequence browser and can be highlighted and edited individually.

When an element is edited the current geometry is automatically selected in the graphics area and you can easily add to it or remove elements.

  • Display of current geometry selection
  • Add to or subtract from selection
  • Add new element types without having to reselect everything
  • Double-click an element to edit it

Rotary Machining of Mill Features

Using the new Solids menu ► Rotary Mill Feature command it is now possible to manually identify and machine simple rotary features that are located on a cylinder. The Rotary Mill features can be machined on Milling and Mill/Turn machines. Typical simple mill features that can be detected and machined include:

  • Helical grooves
  • Slots
  • General cavities (pockets, engraving etc)
  • Bosses (raised areas) on cylinders

Strategy Manager – Planning Board

The Planning Board is a user interface tool designed for use with machining strategies, and it is used in conjunction with the Feature Browser. The Planning Board gives greater control over the manufacture order and the application of strategies. It gives graphical feedback indicating which strategies have been applied.

  • Strategies can be applied one at a time, applied to a marked set or applied to all.
  • Strategies can be removed from the Planning Board if they are not required.

Start Simulation from any Instruction

Simulator has been enhanced in Edgecam 2012 R2 so that you can now start the simulation from any point in the instruction list.

  • Use the Sequence Browser (now available in Simulator) to start  the simulation at any point by clicking the instruction in the list
  • Rewind to any previous point in simulation
  • No need to simulate the whole sequence each time, pick exactly which instructions to simulate

2012 R1 is a release combining new strategies with an improved user interface across many aspects of the software. The strategies will make creating tool paths effortless and the improvements to the user interface will get your result much faster than before.

New Waveform Roughing Strategy

The new Waveform strategy ensures a constant tool load and smooth toolpath pattern, offering greater stability, more precise machining and faster metal removal.

  • Improved tool life
  • Constant engagement with material
  • Full flute cutting
  • Constant chip load
  • Superior material removal rates
  • Improved surface finish, potentially eliminating secondary cutting cycles

Slot Cycle Support for Features

Edgecam 2012 R1 introduces slot support in mill features. To allow you to machine the slots, the Slot cycle has been updated to work with solids.

  • New option to select Solids as cycle input
  • Machine slot in a single pass
  • Machine slot with a cut increment
  • Ramp approach moves into a closed slot
  • New options (Depth tab) to specify clearance, level and depth parameters associative to the solid model

Please note that cycle functionality for 2D and 3D slots remains unchanged.

3 to 5-Axis Cycle Extended

The 3 to 5-Axis cycle for Profiling was introduced in the last release. In Edgecam 2012 R1 this has been extended to support eight more finishing cycles. The following cycles are now supported:

  • Profiling
  • Parallel Lace
  • Constant Cusp
  • Rest Finishing
  • Flow Surface
  • Project Boundary Collapse
  • Project Flow Curves
  • Project Circular Pattern
  • Pencil Mill

The cycle is available with the 5-Axis Simultaneous Milling EN050-S and 5-Axis Simultaneous Milling for Education ENEDU-5 licenses.

Linear Axis Checking in Rotary Mode

Linear axis limit checking (introduced in the last version) has been extended in Edgecam 2012 R1 and now supports rotary mode in both the mill and mill/turn environment.

Edgecam reports when a cycle has exceeded the limits of the machine tool and indicates axis and direction. This allows you to take corrective action immediately.

  • Improved machine checking
  • Reduced prove out time

Improved Display and Editing of Cycle Selections

To improve the editing of Roughing, Profiling and 5-Axis cycles Edgecam 2012 R1 introduces a new way of editing individual elements of the cycle input.

Each selected element is now listed under the relevant cycle in the sequence browser and can be highlighted and edited individually.

  • Display of current geometry selection
  • Add to or subtract from selection
  • Add new element types without having to reselect everything
  • Edit several different items before choosing to regenerate the instruction

When an element is edited the current geometry is automatically selected in the graphics area and you can easily add to it or remove elements.

‘Update Stock’ Speed Improvements

The ‘Update Stock’ command now caches the stock model at each point. This means the next ‘Update Stock’ command will only process the cycles applied since the previous stock rather than the whole sequence each time. The new behaviour offers the following benefits:

  • Much faster after initial stock update
  • Improved regeneration time
  • In addition, you can now start Simulator from any Update Stock command

Reduce Sequence Regeneration for Index Command

Regeneration of Index commands has been improved in Edgecam 2012 R1.

Previously, changing any modifier in the Index command would cause subsequent instructions (instructions below the command in the list) to regenerate. The behaviour has changed and modifiers that do not affect the CPL position no longer cause a regeneration, speeding up the regeneration process.

For example, it is common to place machined parts onto a tombstone and then edit the work datum for each individual part. Previously this would have caused a regeneration of the sequence when editing the Index command even though the toolpath has not really changed.

Enhanced Turret Parking

Turret parking has been enhanced in Edgecam 2012 R1. The following enhancements give greater flexibility over how the tool is parked and allow you to consider the requirements of your machine:

  • For index type turrets you can now specify how the Z parking position is calculated by selecting the required option from the new Positioning Mode list.
  • For all turret types you can now override the default XYZ Park Positions set in the postprocessor.

For ATC turrets the positioning mode list is not available. The positioning mode is always ‘fixed’ (Z parking positions are not offset). This remains unchanged from 2011 R2.

Tailstocks in Edgecam

Edgecam 2012 R1 introduces tailstock support. This allows machines to be configured with tailstock devices for use by Edgecam, Simulator and Code Generator.

  • In Code Wizard, specify parametric or custom tailstock graphics
  •  Control tailstock movements in Edgecam with graphical feedback
  • Simulation of tailstock movements and collision detection
  • Include tailstock moves in cycle time

Feature Support for Slots

It is now possible to detect and machine planar slots within Edgecam. Feature Finder has been enhanced to recognise areas that can be machined using the slotting cycle. ‘Slot features’ can be

  • Open ended slots, slots with radial bottom, nested slots, through slots, dog-leg slots…
  • Machined in a single pass
  • Found with Open Mill, Open Pocket, 2D Pocket/Boss and Contour Pocket/Boss feature types

Simulator Enhancements

These include:
• Start Simulation from any ‘Under Stock’ command
• Selecting an alternative toolkit for simulation
• Enhanced simulation output.

Loading Tools from Heidenhain Controller

You can now import tooling data directly from a Heidenhain iTNC530 controller, using the Import Heidenhain Tool Data option in ToolStore Administrator. Using a toolkit containing “real” tools allows you to

  • Manually Compare Edgecam tooling with the actual machine setup
  • Simulate using the actual tools that will be used for machining


Edgecam 2012 R1 introduces PCI-JavaScript. Rather than continue developing a bespoke language we have switched to supporting JavaScript. This is the industry standard language for the Web and will greatly enhance the flexibility for customisation.

  • Use an industry standard language
  • Access to file and operating systems
  • Talk directly to Microsoft Office applications
  • Continued support for PCI language

Improved Working with Surface Finish Attributes

Working with Surface Finish Attributes has been improved in Part Modeler 2012 R1. The following changes have been made to the Surface Attributes dialog:

  • The new surface finish viewer (opened by clicking the Show Attributes button) gives a visual comparison of surface finishes on each face of the component
  • You can now set a default finish for the whole component
  • Using the Match Attributes option you can set or edit attributes for multiple faces at the same time

As before, the attributes are inherited by Mill and Turn features that include the face, after feature finding in Edgecam. In turning, they can then be used as input to the Finish Turning and New Rough Turning cycle, so the feedrate can be adjusted by the Surface Finish value, for example. In milling, you can use the surface attributes when working with Strategy Manager strategies.

New Helical Groove Feature

In Part Modeler 2012 R1 it is now possible to produce helical grooves using the new 3D Construction ► Feature ► Helical Groove command. This new feature allows you to

  • Produce helical grooves with a square form, rounded square (corner radius in groove), round form and “V” form
  • Define features for helix design such as pitch, CLW/CCLW helix, start angle

New CAD Loader for Part Modeler

Part Modeler 2012 R1 introduces a new CAD loader that allows you to load Creo Parametric models into Part Modeler.

Emboss and Engrave Features

Part Modeler 2012 R1 offers a new 3DConstruction Feature Emboss/Engrave command that allows you to add an embossed or engraved feature to a component

  • Add features that are projected outward (embossed)
  • Add features that are projected inward (engraved)
  • Edit the model to add fillets/chamfers
  • Emboss or engrave text features

Rendered Image on Threads

In Part Modeler 2012 R1 it is now possible to render threads on models.

  • More realistic representation of threads on a solid model (internal and external threads)
  • Quickly and accurately view where threads are located on the solid model
  • Thread information is carried through to Edgecam for machining

2011 R2 is a release that once again includes something for all users of Edgecam, from improvements to the importing of CAD data, feature recognition and into manufacture where new cycles and options are available before full collision checking in Simulator.

New Flow Surface Cycle

The new Flow Surface cycle follows the flow of the surfaces which is ideal for machining fillets and 3D surfaces.  The cycle offers the following benefits:

  • Improved surface finish.
  • Helical support to reduce link moves.
  • Multiple face and surface support.

3 to 5 Axis Cycle

You can now convert a Profiling to a 5-axis cycle by using the new 3 to 5-Axis Cycle command. The new cycle is available with ballnose tools and

  • Allows you to use shorter tools for improved stability.
  • Protects the shank and holder from collisions.
  • Offers an easy method to create a 5-axis cycle.

Linear Axis Limit Checking

Edgecam will now report when a cycle has exceeded the limits of the machine tool and indicate axis and direction.  This allows you to take corrective action immediately.

  • Improved machine checking.
  • Reduced prove out time.

Full Collision Checking in Simulator

Following improvements to collision checking in the last version, Simulator has been further enhanced in Edgecam 2011 R2. You can now check all machine graphics against the stock, fixtures and other parts of the machine.

  • Visual indications of all collisions.
  • Collisions displayed in output window.
  • Offline checking of machine setup allows you to carry out actual setup with confidence and get it ‘right first time’

Improved View Management

View management has been enhanced in version 2011 R2. New options to control the views are available in Edgecam and Simulator:

  • Dynamic view rotation.
  • Relative to world co-ordinates, machine co-ordinates or CPL.
  • Dockable window for optimised screen layout.
  • Four ISO views to choose from.

Roughing Cycle Toolpath Re-ordering

Faster Loading and Picking of Solid Models

The storage of solid models in the Edgecam part file has been improved.

  • Up to 30% faster loading times.
  • Changing between render modes (wireframe, hidden line, solid) up to 10 times faster.

Creating Surfaces from Faces

A new Copy from Surface option has been added to the Solids menu ►Geometry command that allows you to create surfaces from the faces of solid models.

  • Useful when working with the 5-axis cycles and operations.
  • Gives you the ability to trim or extend these surfaces to improve or help define a 5-Axis cycle.

Improved What’s New Documentation

What’s New in Edgecam 2011 R2 is now a single, easy-to-read document in PDF format.
As always, the document highlights new features and enhancements in this release. In addition, the new format offers a number of benefits:

  • Eliminate confusion caused by having two different files with different content.
  • Easier to print part of or the complete document.
  • Improved navigation (table of contents, bookmarks and hyperlinks).

Enhanced Collision Detection

The latest release of Edgecam provides complete peace of mind with further collision detection for both milling and turning including:

  • Tool Collisions
  • Holder Collisions
  • Turret/Head Collisions
  • Fixture Collisions
  • Table Collisions

With Edgecam you can have confidence that your toolpaths are collision free using Edgecam’s Machine Tool Simulator.

Part Modeler

Part Modeler. Edgecam’s powerful manufacturing solid modeling solution, has been enhanced to deliver users greater assemblies manipulation.

Strategy Manager

Strategy Manager, Edgecam’s powerful automation tool, now has updated and an increased number of strategies included.

Edgecam Toolstore

Edgecam 2011 R1 provides users with the most powerful Edgecam Toolstore to date. Enhancements to the toolstore enable users to merge toolstores together retaining tool, material and job information, allowing for transfer of toolstores between departments or even a differnet factory.

Edgecam Composite Feature

A new composite feature has been introduced in Edgecam 2011 R1, enablling users to collect together their roughing cycles on the same plane to improve toolpath efficiency.

Roughing Cycle for Milling

The roughing cycle for milling has been improved to provide users significant time savings in toolpath calculation with benchmark tests showing that some users will benefit from a five-fold reduction in calculation time.

Background Processing & Multi Threading

Edgecam release 2010 R2 delivers significant productivity improvements through the ability to carry out multiple toolpath calculations in background. Internal testing at Planit software Ltd. has shown that up to 4 times faster toolpath creation can be achieved. Furthermore whilst background processing takes place the user can continue building the instruction sequence in the foreground without restriction.

Angled Head Support

Full support for angled head tools in the Milling environment is now available.

Extending Edgecam’s already extensive 3, 4 and 5 Axis solutions. This provides additional machining capabilities and combined with enhancements to the Edgecam Tool Store, using these tools is made easy.

Feature Finder

The feature finder has been enhanced to complement the angled head support, enabling you to identify and machine hole features within components, providing greater flexibility in the way you manufacture components.

An additional enhancement to the feature finder operation is the ability to choose whether you would like to rough and finish features individually or complete the roughing operation for all features and subsequently finish them. This provides the ability to reduce machining times by completing operations in the most efficient way.

Multi Tool

Utilisation of multi tools dramatically saves time in the machining process, removing the time consuming need to completely change the tool. The latest release of Edgecam provides complete support for multiple tools in a single tool position, such as Sandvik Mini Turrets. With full simulation of multi tools you can be sure their manufacturing will be collision free.

Hole Feature Finder

The hole feature finder has been enhanced, with the ability to define specific hole attributes that can be named and stored for later use.

Combined with Edgecam’s knowledge based manufacturing solution, Strategy Manager, you can automatically apply specific manufacturing processes where the defined hole feature is present. You can utilise the “feature teacher” to define features that can be machined with special purpose tools or where there is a common hole feature that is typically used across a number of components. Whatever the hole feature, this new enhancement provides significant improvement to hole machining productivity.

Thread Mill

Edgecam 2010 R2 develops the extensive Thread Mill capabilities into the Mill Turn environment, delivering a greater number of machining capabilities and functionality. In addition, the Thread Mill operation for milling has been enhanced to provider greater ease of use.

New Thread Mill Cycle

Utilising Edgecam’s proven helical technology, 2010 R1 introduces a new and more powerful Thread Milling Cycle. The cycle can be used to machine wireframe and solid (associative) geometry, and offers support for helical arcs, canned cycles and integrated cutter radius compensation, as well as simplified lead moves.

Open Mill Feature

Automatic Feature Recognition has been extended to offer a new Open Mill Feature. The new Feature extends the capability for Solid Machinist users to effortlessly machine flat, open sided features which may contain both tapered walls and fillets.
Moreover, Open Mill Features strengthens Edgecams automation capability by being fully compatible with Strategy Manager.

Rough Grooving

The Rough Grooving cycle has been further enhanced by now offering a new ‘peck across’ option. The new feature is designed to improve material removal rate and prolong tool life, ultimately helping reduce on-going costs of manufacture.
The Castellation option has been enhanced by now offering a variable feedrate option.
The overall cycle time of the Rough Grooving command can now be optimised by using the new ‘Approach’ options.

Finish Turning

Following developments in Rough Turning in recent releases, the ‘Use Current Stock’ option has been added to the Finish Turn cycle.

The function enables you to automatically restrict the toolpath to only those regions that have stock. This significantly reduces the need for manual intervention and allows a user to develop tool paths more efficiently.

Machining either side of the Spindle Centreline

2010 R1 has extended support for lathes capable of turning either side of the spindle centreline. As well as automatically creating Turn Features in both the X-ve and X+ve zones, the toolchange command now offers a new ‘Centreline Side’ option.

Having detected spindle direction, Edgecam will automatically choose the correct side of the spindle centreline.

Plunge Roughing – Now using current stock

The last release of Edgecam saw the introduction of ‘In Process’ stock in the milling environment, in the Roughing cycle. In Edgecam 2010 R1 this functionality has been extended to the Plunge Roughing cycle.

The remaining stock volume is now automatically detected by the cycle thus promoting a more efficient toolpath and decreasing cycle time.

Code Wizard

A new template has been added to the code wizard library based on the very popular Siemens 840 Mill. Based on factory proven techniques, the template is supplied complete with configured post processor and allows a user to create a Siemens Control post processor a lot quicker

Windows 7

Edgecam 2010 R1 has been thoroughly tested for compatibility with Windows 7, the next generation of the Windows operating system.

New Turning Operations

Edgecam 2010 R1 introduces four new turning operations: Rough Grooving, Finish Grooving, Straight Turning and Parting Off.
The operations have a graphical user interface, specifically designed to improve usability. On selecting a modifier, an image or video explains the meaning of this parameter. Embedded help provides instant access to further information without the need to open an additional window.

Furthermore, all Milling and Turning Operations have been enhanced with “Use Current Tool’ option.

Part Modeler Drawing Enhancements

The new Create Fixture Assembly option in Part Modeler allows you to mark a solid as a fixture. Fixtures can be made up of several different solids and the new option allows you to group individual components into a single fixture.
When dealing with Detail Drawings, Part modeler now offers ‘Detail View’ which provides a scaled up balloon view of a model. The new ‘feature annotation’ command enables users to extract design data from the model and apply them automatically to the drawing.
Dimensioning can now be dynamically created and will also support hidden details.

Flat Face features

Machine new feature type with Face Milling, Flat Land Finishing and Roughing cycles.

Roughing cycle
fixture avoidance automatically recognises and avoids collision against fixtures.

In Process Stock
extended to Roughing cycle in milling. Open Pocket support in Flat Land Finishing cycle.

5-Axis simultaneous machining enhancements, including new ‘Blend Between’ operation, checking of linear axis limits and new direct approach option.

Feature transfer 
between spindles – Copy or move features between main and sub-spindle at will. Tapered Threads supported.

New Rough Grooving Strategy
Sequential Castellation offers best tool life and swarf.

New Rough and Finish Turn operations.

Safe Turret Parking
option to return the turret to a safe co-ordinate position and index station prior to sub-spindle docking.

Solid Machinist enhancements
including automatically deleting duplicate features, feature finding all holes, improved feature finding that ignores stock bodies, and cutting angle properties for turn features.

ToolStore enhancements
including support for angled grooving and parting off tools, new Probe tool type, holder-compatible tool selection and F-Distance for Turn and Bore tools.

Safer indexing
Enhancements to existing modifiers and new options improve the safe approach of the tool after an index move.

New Simulator
options for the treatment of waste stock.

5-Axis nutated head
head/head and head/table configurations supported for multi-plane and 5-axis simultaneous machining.

New Rest Finishing cycle
with support for more tool types, quick selection of previous tool and so on.

New Hole cycle
strategies: Helical and Back Bore.

New Rough Turn cycle
functionality includes enhanced Cut Direction settings, Stock Runout option, Rapids at High Feed Rate and ability to use In Process Stock.
Variable Machining across turn profiles using the Finish Turn cycle

New In Process Stock
(Turning) can be updated to show affects of machining on the stock.

New Groove Features
bring the benefits of feature based turning to grooves.

Enhanced material selection
Option to adjust technology values.

Associative toolchange to ToolStore link.

Spindle speed capping
allows you to set a maximum limit on spindle speeds, imposed within Edgecam.

Enhanced feedrate checking.

Solid Machinist enhancements
including Recycle Bin for features, ability to selectively hide features, non-machinable feature indication and enhanced machining with strategies.

Machining attributes for turn features
(imported from Part Modeler) are used by the Finish Turning cycle to calculate feedrate and constant offset values.

Part Modeler enhancements
including surface attributes, stock property for component.

New Rough Turn cycle
offering finish pass cusp removal, variable cut depth to cater for ceramic inserts and/or hard materials and improved reliability for Dynamic Billeting.

5-Axis Machining enhancements
including new Cusp Height and Preferred Rotary Solution options, and support for Granite-based solid models.

New Threading operation
in the turn environment.

New Feature Finder
dialog allows you to find all your required Mill and Turn features more quickly and easily.

Features window 
enhanced with List view for quicker and easier working with features.

Enhanced Turn 
features (including new Bore type) are easier and more intuitive to machine and offer more automatic machining possibilities, using strategies.

New Group Holes command
collect Hole features into ‘identical property’ groups.

Automatically Align Solid Body for Turning.

Enhanced sub-spindle transfer
for more control over which features are copied over.

Chuck setup
supported by a new tab in the Machining Sequence dialog.

Strategy Manager enhancements
including Mill/Turn compatibility, new attributes and so on.

ToolStore enhancements
including ability to host SQL ToolStore databases on a server.

Probing cycles introduced
to interface with Renishaw Inspection Plus software on the machine.

Part Modeler enhancements
including custom properties for Hole features and new Face Thread feature.

Head-Table machines 

Windows Vista

ToolStore switched to SQL.

Prismatic Geometry option added to Roughing cycle.

2D Profiling and Roughing Cycle Times Improved.

Profiling cycle – CRC Possible with Solids.

New Hole Cycle and Feature Type made the Default.

Hole Cycle Hole Pattern Improvements.
Allowance for misalignment of rows and columns possible. Improvements to Start Position selection.

Hole Machining Ordering – Closest Next Enhancement.

Pivot About Tool Tip option introduced for Head indexing.

Always Reset Rotary Datum
option introduced to avoid unwinding between Five Axis cycles.

Strategy Manager Enhancements:

  • Sub-Strategy nodes introduced.
  • Global attributes introduced.
  • Strategy Attributes introduced.
  • Convert Legacy Strategy introduced for updating strategies based on the superseded,  Hole feature attributes and cycle.
  • Password protection of strategy editing introduced.
  • Conditional assignment introduced for expressions.

Solid Works 2008 support

Solid Edge 20 support

Option to change the CNC code editor
(that automatically opens when you have ‘Open Editor’ checked in the Generate CNC dialog) introduced.

Alternate Solution option
introduced for Lathe Index moves

Time savings of up to 50%
in the generation of cutter toolpaths.

5-Axis simultaneous machining 
expanded to support the programming of machines with standard or complex table/table configurations, for example nutated tables.

New 5-Axis roughing capability 
Multiple Pass and Multiple Depth options – applied individually or in conjunction with each other – provide the user with greater flexibility and toolpath control.

New strategy in Rest Finishing cycle 
automatically selects the most appropriate toolpath for steep or shallow contours, ensuring optimum surface finish.

Hole machining enhancements 
include new Depth type in Hole cycle and new easy-to-use hole operations for milling and turning.

Edgecam Simulator 
offers significant improvements to the speed of simulation that are particularly beneficial in the simulation of 5-Axis, surface and helical toolpaths.

Edgecam Solid Machinist enhancements
include support for O-ring grooves and new Hole Feature properties for better definition of hole termination.

Edgecam Part Modeler 
New tabbed interface and customizable menus and toolbars with advanced features such as flyouts and extended tooltips – consistent with Edgecam – make Edgecam Part Modeler intuitive and easy to use, providing a smooth and seamless transition from design to manufacture.

5-Axis simultaneous machining available in the mill/turn environment. Further 5-Axis enhancements include Round Corners option that enables the user to machine parts containing low curvature regions, and option to check against shank offset.

Hole cycle enhancements include ability to machine radial holes on conical faces, automatic index alignment for hole features and enhanced ordering of rotary holes.

Improved boundary control for milling cycles with ability to offset a boundary by a specified value relative to the tool. Maintains associativity and removes the need to create additional boundaries manually.

Separate boundary option for Rest Roughing allows for the use of different boundaries to contain each rest roughing operation.

Edgecam Solid Machinist enhancements include ability to transform solid body and align it to the current CPL for milling. New Open Pocket feature type brings all the advantages of feature-based machining to open pocket regions.

Edgecam Part Modeler support for STEP files.

New Tool Optimisation option ensures that tool ordering is maintained when merging and rationalising machining sequence.

New Finish Turn cycle 
with full support for Wiper inserts. Benefits include variable feeds, speeds and offsets for different elements of the profile; ability to automatically reverse the cut direction to avoid upcut machining; and automatic corner rounding with filleting and chamfering within the cycle.

4-/5-Axis machining enhancements
include option to lock the 5th axis to a specified angle and additional gouge checks (increased from two to four to allow greater control of the toolpath). 4-Axis rotary machining now available in the mill/turn environment.

Milling operations 
(Roughing, Face Milling etc) now available in the mill/turn environment, providing fast and easy access to milling functionality.

Clipping toolpaths to depth
removes unwanted toolpath segments to minimize cycle times and increase calculation speed in surface cycles.

Edgecam machine tool simulation 
Enhanced to give even better representation of the machining process by allowing the user to specify whether to use a single or multiple light sources. New function to record Simulator sessions as AVIs.

Enhanced feature finding 
Additional features for streamlining solids manufacturing. For example, radial holes, defined around a diameter are now found automatically by the feature finder.

Keyless network licensing 
removes the need for hardware keys to be installed on the server and offers increased flexibility for network users.

New 4-/5-Axis simultaneous machining capability
includes SWARF cutting for machining variable taper walls, multi-surface finishing with inbuilt collision avoidance, profiling strategies for finishing and de-flashing of plastic moulded components and 4-Axis rotary for the machining of camshafts, blades and rotary dies for example.

New Plunge Roughing cycle
for rapid removal of large amounts of metal.

New Rest Profiling 
allows a succession of smaller tools to be applied in profiling cycle for more efficient toolpath generation, avoiding extra work and time caused by leftover material.

Edgecam machine tool simulation 
Enhanced to offer 3D graphical representation of the machine tool and fixtures for mills, lathes and mill/turn centres. Aids visualisation of 5-Axis simultaneous machining, where small changes in angular movement may generate dramatic movement of the machine tool giving potential for collisions.

Enhanced usability 
Powerful customisation tools help improve workflow by allowing the user to tailor the Edgecam interface. With the new Transfer option in Edgecam 10.5 custom tools, toolbars and menus can be copied and shared between PCs and users for ease-of-use and consistency.

Enhanced feature finding
includes ability to display solid faces according to their degree of slope, automatic selection of multiple faces for Face Feature, new Edge Loop feature and automatic feature recognition of multiple faces.

Edgecam Part Modeler 10.5 enhancements
Create your own graphics, to any level of detail, by representing your machine tool in Edgecam Part Modeler and output the model for use in machine simulation with a mouse click.

Edgecam machine tool simulation
Full 3D graphical representation of the machine tool and fixtures for lathes and mill/turn centers. Visualization of interaction between the machine tool elements helps to avoid expensive collisions and optimizes the cutting process.

New Parallel Lace operation 
Quickly creates an optimized Parallel Lace cycle, helps speed up programming and increases usability.

Profiling cycle enhancements 
New options to approach below clearance to avoid unnecessary retract moves and to profile prismatic geometry with more accuracy and less NC code.

Improved Face Milling cycle 
includes option to specify the cutting side (and hence direction) of the first cut.

Edgecam Part Modeler 10 enhancements 
New user interface with dockable browser and customizable menus/toolbars improves workflow and makes Edgecam Part Modeler more intuitive and easy to use. Improved IGES import with new options to import BREPs and clean and heal surfaces.

Enhanced usability 
as file properties are stored with the Edgecam part file. These properties can be displayed or searched for inside Windows ExplorerT, making it easier to organize, find and recognize valuable Edgecam data.

Autodesk Vault integration 
Designs and Edgecam part files are stored in a secure centralized location, allowing engineers to easily find and version CAD and CAM data with associativity maintained between the data sets.

Enhanced 3D curve profiling 
When profiling 3D curves, multiple passes are now available and the user can also digitize containment boundaries for machining.

Enable/disable undercutting 
Previously, undercutting was effectively enabled whenever an undercutting tool type was specified. To reduce processing time, it is now possible to disable the Undercut option.

Enhanced Autodesk Inventor support 
Hole construction methods introduced in Autodesk Inventor at R9 are now fully supported and thread data is imported. When working with assemblies, information such as thread data and coordinate systems are transferred into Edgecam.

Edgecam Part Modeler 9.75 enhancements
New color options to set the color of component features and faces, allowing the user to capture the design intent by allocating different colors.

Code Wizard enhancements
include new adaptive turning template for Index G200 machines, support for multi-level and multi-depth cycle options in Heidenhain Series 200 templates and additional tokens for numeric user variables.

Improved cylindrical stock generation
now produces arc entities that can be used as boundary entities for machining, for example. When generating auto-stock, the fit around the part geometry is more consistent.

Increased usability
through various new options, including ability to disable auto-regeneration for faster processing, more user-friendly specification of part units and output tolerance.

Support for Sandvik Coromant Wiper inserts for turning tools
Achieve twice the feedrate or twice as good a surface finish.

Undercutting in Profiling cycle 
Quick and easy undercut machining (using lollipop or t-slot cutters); useful in areas such as the aerospace and automotive industry.

3D curve support in Profiling cycle 
Ideally suited for trimming, de-burring and de-flashing.

New Facemill operation 
Building on new dialog format introduced in version 9, new Facemill operation with unique graphical interface helps speed up programming and increases usability.

Autodesk Inventor assembly support 
Loads *.iam files directly into Edgecam. Edgecam Solid Machinist respects project paths and sub-assemblies and complies with Autodesk data management rules.

Improved IGES import 
New options allow the user to clean and heal surfaces, convert BREP solids into surfaces and load surfaces as Parasolid bodies.

Edgecam Simulator enhancements 
Improved collision detection and enhanced display tolerance for more lifelike rendering. Improved STL export optimised for in-process stock.

Edgecam Part Modeler 9.5 enhancements 
Mouse controls for zooming, panning and window selection have been aligned with those in Edgecam. User interface changes such as display settings and left-hand browser window provide consistency with Edgecam. Educational and student edition now available.

Improved lathe setup and editing for advanced turning 
allows the part to be transferred easily onto a different machine tool.

Updated tutorials and printed “Getting Started” guide
provide a simple and quick introduction to Edgecam.

New user interface 
Up-to-date “XP style” icons and toolbars and new customization features improve workflow and make Edgecam more intuitive and easy to use.

Browser enhancements
Provide easier navigation and editing (features include Autohide function, flagging instructions for which geometry has been deleted and grouping of instructions. )

Edgecam Strategy Manager 
Easy to use automated method of creating knowledge based programming, now also available for the machining of pockets.

New Edgecam Solid Machinist for CATIA V5 
loads part and assembly files from CATIA V5.

New Edgecam Solid Machinist for ACIS 
loads native .sat and .sab files as solids directly into Edgecam.

Edgecam Solid Machinist
Enhanced Feature Finder for 2D, contour and 3D features. Option to specify single, nested or both types of pockets.

Automatic Tool Selector 
provides optimum tool selection for feature machining.

Faster Roughing cycle 
Adaptive feedrates optimise the toolpath by automatically recalculating feed rates. New Spiral strategy added to Roughing cycle.

Enhanced Profiling cycle 
Enhanced cycle offers multi -pass option, additional option of selecting the centre of area for plunge/retract points, lace strategy for shallow areas and flat land detection.

Contact Angles 
New option on Constant Cusp and Projection cycles.

Up/Down Milling in Parallel Lace cycle 
Controls the cut direction relative to the angle of the surface.

New Operations
New Roughing, Profiling, Flat Land Finishing and Chamfer operations with integrated videos and images provide novice and educational users with simple and quick introduction to Edgecam and increase usability.

New DWG loader 
Loads DWG and DXF files from AutoCAD 2004/2005.

Edgecam Part Modeler 
Version 9 now uses the Edgecam security key. Additional threading added to drill hole feature.

Scheduled security key updates via the Internet 
Ensures that customers are using the most up-to-date key files.

Interactive web-based support 
Allows the customer to enter a Webex sessions that can be used to demonstrate Edgecam or allow the customer to show an issue he has in the software.

Helical arc output in Code Wizard templates 
Milling and adaptive turning templates now support the output of helical arcs generated in the Roughing cycle.

Enhanced Create Stock/Fixture command 
Automatically places the geometry onto a Stock or Fixture layer and offers options for setting colour and style. In addition, the modifiers are now modal.

Spindle docking status in Time Line 
Improved ease of use through additional display options.

File Preview
Thumbnail images of parts can now be viewed when using the Insert Part and Insert Component commands. In addition, the file preview capability in the File Open dialog has been expanded to include SolidWorks, Solid Edge and Autodesk Inventor part files.

Scheduled security key updates via the Internet 
Ensures that customers are using the most up-to-date key files.

Interactive web-based support 
Allows the customer to enter a Webex sessions that can be used to demonstrate Edgecam or allow the customer to show an issue he has in the software.

Helical arc output in Code Wizard templates 
Milling and adaptive turning templates now support the output of helical arcs generated in the Roughing cycle.

Enhanced Create Stock/Fixture command 
Automatically places the geometry onto a Stock or Fixture layer and offers options for setting colour and style. In addition, the modifiers are now modal.

Spindle docking status in Time Line 
Improved ease of use through additional display options.

File Preview
Thumbnail images of parts can now be viewed when using the Insert Part and Insert Component commands. In addition, the file preview capability in the File Open dialog has been expanded to include SolidWorks, Solid Edge and Autodesk Inventor part files.

New Profiling Cycle
New cycle for 2D geometry, surfaces and solids, offering integrated cutter compensation, advanced start and end positioning controls, full set of corner rounding strategies, and helical profiling.

Enhanced Roughing Cycle
New option inserts trochoidal moves where required, but only if possible. Adaptive rest roughing allows the user to rest machine any roughing toolpath on the same CPL and pick the toolpath to rest rough directly from the model.

Flat Land Finishing Enhancements 
Cycle allows the user to machine open areas from the outer edge inwards and supports rest machining.

Check Surfaces 
New option in the Parallel Lace and Profiling cycle identifies surfaces or face features to be excluded from cutting.

Advanced Turning Code Wizard templates 
Support for sub-spindle and B axis lathe configurations. New adaptive templates.

Edgecam ToolStore 
Less input required within the cycle dialog as cutting parameters relating to a specific tool can be stored with the tool rather than the cycle.

Edgecam Simulator
Automatically apply user defined display settings. All display settings now modal.

Edgecam Part Modeler 2.5
New version available.

now supports sub-spindle lathes and B axis milling within the turned environment.

Improved Parallel Lace cycle
New option prevents the tool from rolling over the edge of a pocket or boss.

New time line 
Allows the user to easily evaluate toolpaths.

Instruction browser 
Improved layout and technology for easier editing of toolpaths.

Edgecam Simulator
Improved control of fixture movement allows for more of the machine tool to be visualised during the simulation.

Edgecam Solid Machinist
New option to automatically create feature caps.

Sandvik CoroGuide
Link now provided within Edgecam ToolStore to the Sandvik CoroGuide tooling guide

Edgecam Solid Machinist
Improved feedback of information during model update.

Edgecam Simulator
has been enhanced to support multiple sequences.

Improved Parallel Lace cycle
Exclude Flat Areas and Perpendicular Lace options added. Use in conjunction with Flat Land Finishing, released at version 6.75 to provide improved surface finish and reduced cycle time.

Pencil Milling
now offers multiple pass option and supoort for Granite and STL models

Rest Finishing
New Pencil Trace option to machine a final pass along the centre line of the machined area.

Interface to 3D Motion controllers 
Allows user to use both hands to drive the computer, which speeds up the programming process.

File preview 
Thumbnail images of part can be viewed within the File Open dialogue and Explorer window to provide easy identification of part.

Feedback window 
Information can now be displayed within a dockable dialogue window and allows the information to be copied and pasted to other dialogues.

Edgecam Strategy Manager
Now includes template file, print option for strategies and ability to add run-time questions to nodes.

Edgecam Simulator New All metallic display option available.